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Kona Historical Society

The History and Biology of Humpback Whales in Kona Lecture


The Kona Historical Society is offering a free lecture about our Humpback Whales West Hawaii Civic Center Wednesday, June 25, 2014 5:30 – 7:00PM

Ms. Rickards will explore the fascinating history of these beautiful and intelligent mammals in Hawai’i. She will describe the basic biology of these animals and historical accounts […]

Join Julie Wrigley and Bill McDowell and others for a discussion on Big Ideas for the Big Island

Another Great Keck Lecture at the Mooch

Michael Mumma speaks to one of younger members of the audience

Michael Mumma of the NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center spoke at the Monday night reception. His topic was about finding methane gas on Mars. Michael is one of the leading astronomers who are working on finding out if there has been or there […]